2014-09-18 16:19:18 UTC
Hi all,
I'm trying to install openVAS on openSuse OS using source files.
I have installed all components but I now have a problem :(
When I try to execute openvas-nvt-sync command it returns this error:
error while loading shared libraries: libopenvas_misc.so.7: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
[i] This script synchronizes an NVT collection with the 'OpenVAS NVT Feed'.
[i] The 'OpenVAS NVT Feed' is provided by 'The OpenVAS Project'.
[i] Online information about this feed: 'http://www.openvas.org/openvas-nvt-
[i] NVT dir:
[w] Could not determine feed version.
[i] rsync is not recommended for the initial sync. Falling back on http.
[i] Will use wget
[i] Using GNU wget: /usr/bin/wget
[i] Configured NVT http feed: http://www.openvas.org/openvas-nvt-feed-current.
[i] Downloading to: /tmp/openvas-nvt-sync.sZzz2CmJBg/openvas-feed-2014-09-18-
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘’: No such file or directory
[i] Checking dir: ok
[i] Checking MD5 checksum: /usr/bin/md5sum: /md5sums: No such file or
not ok
Error: md5sums not correct. Your NVT collection might be broken now.
Please try this for details: cd "" ; /usr/bin/md5sum -c "/md5sums" | less
Have you any suggests?
Thank You in Advance
I'm trying to install openVAS on openSuse OS using source files.
I have installed all components but I now have a problem :(
When I try to execute openvas-nvt-sync command it returns this error:
error while loading shared libraries: libopenvas_misc.so.7: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
[i] This script synchronizes an NVT collection with the 'OpenVAS NVT Feed'.
[i] The 'OpenVAS NVT Feed' is provided by 'The OpenVAS Project'.
[i] Online information about this feed: 'http://www.openvas.org/openvas-nvt-
[i] NVT dir:
[w] Could not determine feed version.
[i] rsync is not recommended for the initial sync. Falling back on http.
[i] Will use wget
[i] Using GNU wget: /usr/bin/wget
[i] Configured NVT http feed: http://www.openvas.org/openvas-nvt-feed-current.
[i] Downloading to: /tmp/openvas-nvt-sync.sZzz2CmJBg/openvas-feed-2014-09-18-
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘’: No such file or directory
[i] Checking dir: ok
[i] Checking MD5 checksum: /usr/bin/md5sum: /md5sums: No such file or
not ok
Error: md5sums not correct. Your NVT collection might be broken now.
Please try this for details: cd "" ; /usr/bin/md5sum -c "/md5sums" | less
Have you any suggests?
Thank You in Advance