Pham, Tam T
2014-07-21 18:12:44 UTC
I have done some digging into Openvas including install from RPM in RHEL, DEB install into Ubuntu, and source install into Ubuntu. I have previous exposure to NASL from working on Nessus when it was still open source.
I am instrumenting Openvas to do automated scans in my production environment and am also interested in contributing to the development effort.
At this point I would like some suggestions on how to get more deeply involved in two areas of interest:
1) Developing plugins in OVAL to extend the tool set.
2) Contributing to the development of Openvas security scanner. I am interested in just digging in now and getting general understanding of the data flow. Also getting a handle on the development and debugging environment.
I have done some digging into Openvas including install from RPM in RHEL, DEB install into Ubuntu, and source install into Ubuntu. I have previous exposure to NASL from working on Nessus when it was still open source.
I am instrumenting Openvas to do automated scans in my production environment and am also interested in contributing to the development effort.
At this point I would like some suggestions on how to get more deeply involved in two areas of interest:
1) Developing plugins in OVAL to extend the tool set.
2) Contributing to the development of Openvas security scanner. I am interested in just digging in now and getting general understanding of the data flow. Also getting a handle on the development and debugging environment.