V7 Manager to Scanner communication
Brian Diehl
2014-07-24 16:57:51 UTC
I have narrowed down the problem with this error:

Error from the openvasmd log file:
event task:MESSAGE:2014-07-24 10h59.14 CDT:29960: Task 20ba6b3d-ab49-4676-ba04-20b7e81c014a could not be started by admin

This message comes from omp.c here:
Line 24369: switch (start_task (start_task_data->task_id, &report_id))
Line 24471: case -5:
SEND_XML_SERVICE_DOWN ("start_task");
log_event_fail ("task", "Task",

The return code of -5 comes from manage.c here:
Line 2861: if (scanner_up == 0)
return -5;
This is from within the "run_task" function.

I am unable to figure out what is actually setting the "scanner_up" variable value.

I believe the problem is the manager is not communicating with the scanner. How can I test the scanner/manager communication? What configuration steps might have been missed to cause the manager and the scanner to not communicate?

Brian Diehl
Christensen Farms IT Manager
Phone: 507-794-8585
