Traiano Welcome
2014-10-18 16:29:05 UTC
Hi List
I've preconfigured targets and tasks for openvas using the gsad, and tested scanning via the gsad. Now I'd like to kick off a scan using the openvas-cli tool with something like:
openvas-cli -v -u admin_user -w password -S <task uuid>
Getting the task uuid and status is easy (clear from the documentation):
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# openvas-cli -u admin -w admin -G| grep New| head -1
xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx New scan-range-192.168.0
However, when I try to kick off the task like this:
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]#
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# openvas-cli -v -u xxxx -w yyyy -S xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx
... There's no output (even when using the verbose flag), and the status of the task is unchanged:
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# openvas-cli -u admin -w admin -G| grep New| head -1
xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx New scan-range-192.168.0
I've upped the loglevel parameter in openvasmd_log.conf to 255, however I don't see any messages around this particular uuid in the logs
when I start the task via the cli.
However, when I start the task via gsad, I can see the task transition to running in the logs:
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# tail -f /var/log/openvas/openvasmd.log| grep xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx
event task:MESSAGE:2014-10-18 16h15.31 UTC:6476: Status of task scan-range-192.168.0 (xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx) has changed to Requested
event task:MESSAGE:2014-10-18 16h15.31 UTC:6476: Task xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx has been requested to start by admin
event task:MESSAGE:2014-10-18 16h15.58 UTC:6478: Status of task scan-range-192.168.0 (xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx) has changed to Running
Am I going about launching the task from the CLI the right way? If so, how would I debug this further?
I've preconfigured targets and tasks for openvas using the gsad, and tested scanning via the gsad. Now I'd like to kick off a scan using the openvas-cli tool with something like:
openvas-cli -v -u admin_user -w password -S <task uuid>
Getting the task uuid and status is easy (clear from the documentation):
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# openvas-cli -u admin -w admin -G| grep New| head -1
xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx New scan-range-192.168.0
However, when I try to kick off the task like this:
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]#
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# openvas-cli -v -u xxxx -w yyyy -S xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx
... There's no output (even when using the verbose flag), and the status of the task is unchanged:
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# openvas-cli -u admin -w admin -G| grep New| head -1
xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx New scan-range-192.168.0
I've upped the loglevel parameter in openvasmd_log.conf to 255, however I don't see any messages around this particular uuid in the logs
when I start the task via the cli.
However, when I start the task via gsad, I can see the task transition to running in the logs:
[***@openvas-mstr openvas]# tail -f /var/log/openvas/openvasmd.log| grep xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx
event task:MESSAGE:2014-10-18 16h15.31 UTC:6476: Status of task scan-range-192.168.0 (xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx) has changed to Requested
event task:MESSAGE:2014-10-18 16h15.31 UTC:6476: Task xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx has been requested to start by admin
event task:MESSAGE:2014-10-18 16h15.58 UTC:6478: Status of task scan-range-192.168.0 (xxxxxx-yyyy-zzzzz-wwww-xxxxxx) has changed to Running
Am I going about launching the task from the CLI the right way? If so, how would I debug this further?