There is a per-schedule timezone setting as well, which is based on the
timezone settings of the user who has created it, but can be changed once
From: luciano fain <***>
To: "***" <***>,
Cc: "openvas-***"
Date: 29.07.2014 21:54
Subject: Re: [Openvas-discuss] Time Zone
Sent by: "Openvas-discuss"
Thanks Matthew !!!!
> To: ***
> CC: openvas-***;
> Subject: Re: [Openvas-discuss] Time Zone
> From: ***
> Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:57:30 +0100
> > The system time is GMT-3, but reports / schedules are using UTC.....
(3hs delta).
> > Any idea?
> There is a per-user timezone setting. In GSA it's on the My Settings
> With OMP use MODIFY_SETTING to change it.
> --
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