CentOS - initail scan produces "client not present" error and empty but - Done - report
Paul Simons
2014-08-29 12:40:22 UTC

I have installed the latest version available to CentOS. I have run the setup OK but the first try (on the 'Welcome dear new user' page does not produce any output (says - Done - )

openvas.noarch 1.0-13.el6.art
openvas-cli.x86_64 1.3.0-5.el6.art
openvas-manager.x86_64 5.0.3-21.el6.art
openvas-scanner.x86_64 4.0.1-13.el6.art

When I try to scan myself as a test my log files read like this...

gsad main:CRITICAL:2014-08-29 12h17.19 UTC:18950: Received Signal: Terminated. Exiting.

event task:MESSAGE:2014-08-29 12h27.41 UTC:4223: Status of task Immediate scan of IP (11bf79b8-906
f-4a31-9c23-e33a8529b79f) has changed to Requested
event task:MESSAGE:2014-08-29 12h27.41 UTC:4223: Task 11bf79b8-906f-4a31-9c23-e33a8529b79f has been requested to
start by admin
lib serv:WARNING:2014-08-29 12h27.41 UTC:4223: Failed to gnutls_bye: Error in the push function.
event task:MESSAGE:2014-08-29 12h27.43 UTC:4225: Status of task Immediate scan of IP (11bf79b8-906
f-4a31-9c23-e33a8529b79f) has changed to Running
event task:MESSAGE:2014-08-29 12h27.47 UTC:4225: Status of task Immediate scan of IP (11bf79b8-906
f-4a31-9c23-e33a8529b79f) has changed to Done

[Fri Aug 29 12:27:42 2014][4227] Communication closed by client
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:42 2014][4227] Client not present
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:46 2014][4224] Starts a new scan. Target(s) :, with max_hosts = 30 and max_checks = 10
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:46 2014][4224] Testing (::ffff: [4230]
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:47 2014][4230] The remote host ( is dead
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:47 2014][4230] Finished testing Time : 0.83 secs
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:47 2014][4224] Test complete
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:47 2014][4224] Total time to scan all hosts : 4 seconds
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:47 2014][4224] Kept alive connection
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:48 2014][4224] Communication closed by client
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:48 2014][4224] Client not present

Any help gratefully received.


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Jan-Oliver Wagner
2014-09-18 19:32:02 UTC
Post by Paul Simons
I have installed the latest version available to CentOS. I have run the
setup OK but the first try (on the 'Welcome dear new user' page does not
produce any output (says - Done - )
[Fri Aug 29 12:27:47 2014][4230] The remote host ( is dead
Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner | ++49-541-335084-0 | http://www.greenbone.net/
Greenbone Networks GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück | AG Osnabrück, HR B
Geschäftsführer: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner