(no subject)
2014-09-17 15:42:12 UTC
Hi all,
i send this mail because i have a problem during the process of compilation of
openVAS 7.0 manager package on openSuse OS.
I have installed openVAS libraries and openVAS scanner without problems.
But during the installation of openVAS manager i have a problem.
I have executed the cmake command and its execution is OK.
When i try to perform the make command it return this error:
error: call to function ‘process_otp_scanner_input’ without a real prototype

I have seen in the install.txt file that to remove this problem i have to
perform the command with the option -DIGNORE_UNPROTOTYPED_CALLS=1.

I tried also this way but make method don’t allow to use this option, this
option is allowed only by cmake method.
So i tried to execute the cake command with this option and then the make
command but the result is the same :(

Do you have any suggestion?

Thank you very much in advance

Pasquale De Rosa
Dustin Demuth
2014-09-18 06:43:08 UTC
Hi Pasquale
Post by p***@libero.it
I have seen in the install.txt file that to remove this problem i have to
perform the command with the option -DIGNORE_UNPROTOTYPED_CALLS=1.
I had the same problems on openSUSE

Find the file CMakeLists.txt

Now look for the line:

replace it with the following one, or add -Wno-error=unprototyped-calls
to the line:

-Wall -Wno-error=unprototyped-calls -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_ISOC99_SOURCE

This should silence the warnings and the code should compile.


Benoît Allard
2014-09-18 12:50:25 UTC
Post by p***@libero.it
i send this mail because i have a problem during the process of
compilation of openVAS 7.0 manager package on openSuse OS. I have
installed openVAS libraries and openVAS scanner without problems.
But during the installation of openVAS manager i have a problem. I
have executed the cmake command and its execution is OK. When i try
to perform the make command it return this error: error: call to
function ‘process_otp_scanner_input’ without a real prototype
Thanks for bringing our attention to this (again). Of course the right
solution was not to silent the warning. but to fix the source. This
has been done in svn and will be included in the next series of tarballs.

Best Regards,

- --
Benoît Allard (B30A05B0)|Greenbone Networks GmbH|http://greenbone.net
Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany | AG Osnabrück, HR B 202460
Executive Directors: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
