Traiano Welcome
2014-08-09 17:28:55 UTC
Hi List
I've installed OpenVAS 7 on a single Ubuntu 14.04 EC2 instance (64bit , m3.large) in AWS's cloud, with default settings and no tuning.
As an initial test, I've run a "default" scan against a single IP. The scan takes longer than 30 minutes to complete, and during this time the load average of the VM varies from 5 to 8 with up to 10 openvassd processes running concurrently.
I've tested this on multiple instances and consistently get the same behavior. My question is: Is there some kind of tuning I can do to reduce the load of scanning a single system, without compromising too much on the comprehensiveness of the scan?
Also, is there some way of gauging the kind of load I should expect to see using OpenVAS as a scanner on linux?
Thanks in advance,
Senior Systems Engineer | I.T
M.H.Alshaya Co W.L.L
Retail Division
P.O.Box 181, Safat 13002, Kuwait
Phone: (965) 22080110; Fax: (965) 2224 2488<>
I've installed OpenVAS 7 on a single Ubuntu 14.04 EC2 instance (64bit , m3.large) in AWS's cloud, with default settings and no tuning.
As an initial test, I've run a "default" scan against a single IP. The scan takes longer than 30 minutes to complete, and during this time the load average of the VM varies from 5 to 8 with up to 10 openvassd processes running concurrently.
I've tested this on multiple instances and consistently get the same behavior. My question is: Is there some kind of tuning I can do to reduce the load of scanning a single system, without compromising too much on the comprehensiveness of the scan?
Also, is there some way of gauging the kind of load I should expect to see using OpenVAS as a scanner on linux?
Thanks in advance,
Senior Systems Engineer | I.T
M.H.Alshaya Co W.L.L
Retail Division
P.O.Box 181, Safat 13002, Kuwait
Phone: (965) 22080110; Fax: (965) 2224 2488<>