Building OpenvVAS 7 from source: Which OS is best/easiest?
Christiaan DeVries
2014-10-01 09:26:34 UTC
Hi all,

What would you think the best OS to install OpenVAS 7 from source on?

Any experience before I build a new installation? Things to look out for?



Christiaan de Vries
w: +353 1 526 7736 | m: +353 860 234 384 | e: christiaan.devries @hetg.ie<http://christiaan.devries%***@hetg.ie> | www.DigitalPlanet.ie | www.hetg.ie
HIBERNIA HOUSE | Cherrywood Business Park | Loughlinstown | Dublin 18 | Ireland
Hibernia Services Ltd. is registered in Ireland, Company Registration No. 170309
(c) 2014 Digital Planet, part of the HiberniaEvros Technology Group
Lukas Grunwald
2014-10-01 11:32:39 UTC

I would use Gentoo, they already have ebuilds for it. You only need to
unmask them with ~amd64.
Post by Christiaan DeVries
Hi all,
What would you think the best OS to install OpenVAS 7 from source on?
Any experience before I build a new installation? Things to look out for?
*Christiaan de Vries*
*w: +353 1 526 7736 | m: +353 860 234 384 | **e: **christiaan.devries
@hetg.ie* <http://christiaan.devries%***@hetg.ie>*|
**www.Digital**Planet.ie* <www.DigitalPlanet.ie>*| **www.hetg.ie***
*HIBERNIA HOUSE | Cherrywood Business Park | Loughlinstown | Dublin 18
| Ireland*
*Hibernia Services Ltd. is registered in Ireland, Company Registration
No. 170309*
*© 2014 Digital Planet, part of the HiberniaEvros Technology Group*
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