Report creation
Phillip Rice
2014-07-30 14:21:03 UTC
Can anyone help with this please?


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Fabrizio Di Carlo
2014-07-30 14:26:40 UTC
Hi Phillip, hi All,

I wrote an email to regarding this topic:

I have several questions regarding the Report functionality in OpenVAS
7, I was looking on Internet and I've found these websites:

- https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/openvas/trunk/openvas-manager/doc/report-format-HOWTO
- http://www.greenbone.net/technology/report_formats.html

1) They are still valid for OpenVAS 7?
2) During my report creation I was not able to find "Greenbone
Executive Report" or "Greenbone Security Report"
3) Why during an import of format OpenVAS hangout?
4) There are other way to customize a report? Insert logo, etc etc.

Thanks in advance,
Post by Phillip Rice
Can anyone help with this please?
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Fabrizio Di Carlo