I still facing with some issues when is running UDP scanning.
When I try with all tcp and udp port, It stops in 1%.
I checked the setup and I got the messages attached.
De: Openvas-discuss [mailto:openvas-discuss-***@wald.intevation.org] Em
nome de Pablo Estrela Alves
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014 11:10
Para: 'Rene Behring'; 'Openvas Mailingliste Englisch'
Assunto: [Openvas-discuss] RES: UDP Issue
what does the report say when you are using only UDP?
I got a blank report. The test stops in 1%. With tcp works perfectly.
I checked the logs when was running just udp:
- tail -f /var/log/openvas/openvasmd.log
and I got:
- Failed to gnutls_bye: Error in the push function
Checking in the internet I found that the issue could be the user. I created
a new user and tested with UDP and TCP at same time. It worked. But, if I
test just with UDP ports, happens the same error.
I dont know what can be happening.
Thank you for your help!
De: Openvas-discuss [mailto:openvas-discuss-***@wald.intevation.org] Em
nome de Rene Behring
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014 10:41
Para: Openvas Mailingliste Englisch
Assunto: Re: [Openvas-discuss] UDP Issue
what does the report say when you are using only UDP? It could be that the
server isnt answering on the UDP ports, so the scan thinks the host is
down. You can try some different options for the NVT Ping Host in the
family Port Scanner.
If you are scanning both, UDP and TCP, it can take a long time. That has to
do with nmap scanning UDP-Ports. What is you Port scanning range? I have
read once, that nmap needs ca. 1 second for each port. So if you are trying
to scan all UDP ports, it maybe take a while
Am 26.09.2014 um 14:33 schrieb Pablo Estrela Alves <***@avixy.com
<mailto:***@avixy.com> >:
I`m using the OpenVAS-6 to scan UDP ports but Im facing with some issues..
Im using .
Every time that I scan just UDP ports it suddenly stops. If I choose UDP and
TCP ports, it doesn`t move from 1%.
Thank you in advance!
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