As in the below case for the adding of $IDLE_TIMEOUT to the /etc/init.d/greenbone-security-assistant file (which worked for me) , is there a list somewhere of possible parameters to be used?
Jack Harvey CISSP
Synnex Corporation
From: Openvas-discuss [mailto:openvas-discuss-***] On Behalf Of Rene Behring
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 11:28 AM
To: Openvas Mailingliste Englisch
Subject: Re: [Openvas-discuss] GSA inactivity timeout
from OpenVAS Website, Virtual Appliance:
Web timeout: If you want to increase the web timeout to for example 1 hour, then you should add "--timeout=60" to DAEMON_ARGS in /etc/default/greenbone-security-assistant and then restart.
I think the path won't be the same for you...
I made some other changes for the init.d services:
/ect/init.d/gsad (line 47,48):
# idle timeout
this will be loaded by /ect/init.d/gsad.
/ect/sysconfig/gsad (line 63-67):
# Minutes of user idle time before session expires.
Good Luck,
Am 16.07.2014 um 17:19 schrieb Jack Harvey <***<mailto:***>>:
I would like to extend the inactivity-timeout for users in GSA, but cannot find where this might be adjusted.
Jack Harvey CISSP
Synnex Corporation