The nutshell is that there is not any particular NVT to use for PCI in
Openvas, but you should be using anything that can apply to your
What we do at my company is throw the kitchen sink (meaing run all checks)
at our in-scope environment and then work from there weeding out false
positives or anything that does not apply.
Once you have a set of NVTs to run, you can see if you would pass or fail.
Any verified vulnerability with a CVSS score of 4 or a "medium" (this is
aligned with the NVD scale) is an automatic PCI fail. It is imporant to
scope your scans properly so you can correctly prioritize what to fix.
Common/Required PCI checks include:
- Weak ciphers
- Default logins
- Devices with no logins
- SQL Injection
- Missing critical security patches (a la OpenSSL)
Some more extra reading:
Post by Fabrizio Di CarloHi Rene,
Best regards,
Post by Rene BehringHey,
are there NVTs to check pci compliance? (IT-Grundschutz?)
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