Scan Times
Helmut Koers
2014-08-21 08:15:09 UTC
I have recognized huge differences in regards to the time it takes to
complete a scan, which has the same target, port list and scan config

When looking at the processes being executed by a scan configured as below
with the default, non changeable port lists and scan configs and the same
target ip addresses,

Target: /24 address range that does not reply to ping requests
Port List: OpenVAS Default
Scan Config: Fast and Full

I recognized "testing 'ip-address'" processes on one OpenVAS installation
only, where I see lots of "testing 'ip-address'
/var/lib/openvas/plugins/nmap_net/gb_nmap_xxxxx.nasl" on another OpenVAS
system. Both are running OpenVAS 6 with the latest updates and feeds.

Both installations have been installed and run on the same hardware, but
on separate hard disks.

Does anyone know if there is a setting that is causing the .nasl's being
executed on one but not on the other installation, or what else may be the

Jan-Oliver Wagner
2014-09-02 18:47:37 UTC
Post by Helmut Koers
I have recognized huge differences in regards to the time it takes to
complete a scan, which has the same target, port list and scan config
this can have many reasons. One important question is: Did the two
scans achieve the same results though taking different time to complete?

And how much is the difference in time?
Post by Helmut Koers
I recognized "testing 'ip-address'" processes on one OpenVAS installation
only, where I see lots of "testing 'ip-address'
/var/lib/openvas/plugins/nmap_net/gb_nmap_xxxxx.nasl" on another OpenVAS
system. Both are running OpenVAS 6 with the latest updates and feeds.
Watching the processes I suggest to use htop and switch to tree view and filter
by "openvas".
Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner | ++49-541-335084-0 | http://www.greenbone.net/
Greenbone Networks GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück | AG Osnabrück, HR B
Geschäftsführer: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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