OpenVAS 7 report
Fabrizio Di Carlo
2014-07-28 12:22:59 UTC
Hello to all,

I have several questions regarding the Report functionality in OpenVAS
7, I was looking on Internet and I've found these websites:

- https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/openvas/trunk/openvas-manager/doc/report-format-HOWTO
- http://www.greenbone.net/technology/report_formats.html

1) They are still valid for OpenVAS 7?
2) During my report creation I was not able to find "Greenbone
Executive Report" or "Greenbone Security Report"
3) Why during an import of format OpenVAS hangout?
4) There are other way to customize a report? Insert logo, etc etc.

Thanks in advance,
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift." (A. Einstein)

"La mente intuitiva è un dono sacro e la mente razionale è un fedele
servo. Noi abbiamo creato una società che onora il servo e ha
dimenticato il dono." (A. Einstein)

Fabrizio Di Carlo
Jan-Oliver Wagner
2014-08-03 19:01:01 UTC
Post by Fabrizio Di Carlo
I have several questions regarding the Report functionality in OpenVAS
rt-format-HOWTO - http://www.greenbone.net/technology/report_formats.html
1) They are still valid for OpenVAS 7?
Post by Fabrizio Di Carlo
2) During my report creation I was not able to find "Greenbone
Executive Report" or "Greenbone Security Report"
Those are on the Greenbone Security Manager.
Post by Fabrizio Di Carlo
3) Why during an import of format OpenVAS hangout?
Not sure what you mean.
Post by Fabrizio Di Carlo
4) There are other way to customize a report? Insert logo, etc etc.
Well, some parametrization for the plugins is already implemented, but
no logos yet.
Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner | ++49-541-335084-0 | http://www.greenbone.net/
Greenbone Networks GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück | AG Osnabrück, HR B
Geschäftsführer: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner